Friday, May 12, 2023

Psychotronic Terrorism: Digital hacking of the human brain

why don't people stop trying to cover it up and hide this shit "covert conversations"?


Hey all. Family. Reading this — um bio-coding- rep from Colorado discussed it last year- can’t remember his name I have it in notebook though… its social security number — that’s how they are brain raping people. dnm- fuck these people are stupid. Why? Cause I've been telling the lying fuckers for years that other people n the same house can hear their loud asses and also proved to them that I could record them… and did . Multiple times. They violated me, and everything everyone else.. John remember we went to Dominican republic. And leaving “hydraulic computer issue” pretty sure they were trying to crash plain with me on it… but also the missing SIM card… when we got home.. and also the missing first class gay passenger when we boarded the plane the next day…. Not sure I ever told you about that but.. yeah… down one first class passenger.. he was sitting at the bar/ tiki looking bar in airport- he wasn’t at dinner at the hotel and didn’t get on plane next day. And his “friend” gay Dom top went Colorado flight and we were the only ones who didn’t fly out that morning ….. and stuck overnight. And we were FAR away from resort.. thanks to my travel agent skills if you remember correctly LOL.

... and to anyone who reads (friends) the covert conversations part and gets angry about it..... get over it and your program..... why do so many people suffer, wtf why do so many people know about it and NOTHING BUT COVER-UPS!  misleading , lies, corruption, manipulation, falsification, and the GD stories!  SHIIT shut up already. #iAM1 #POW the narcissistic gang stalking terrorist districts can join together for some secret convention and bite me. 

Thursday, May 11, 2023

Port Scan Results

check out the link its to a 100+ page spreadsheat of ALL PORTS. ports being used all the way ip to 65000!! how is it possible that these terrorists cant be tracks??!AuslackFiPfZkvwAEu7hmW3QEPZWeQ