Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Electrical Grid Used to create World-Wide-Web "Loopback" Network aka Servall Mesh Creating WORLDS LARGEST DATA BREACH of essentially Everything

What is more conductive the wireless electricity, being transmitted in the air with a copper wiring running through houses can have the Internet and telecommunications frequencies or packages pushed through them both wirelessly and threw copper wiring/electrical wire that Essentially covers 99% of all areas where people reside on earth and make it a giant Forcefield reconnected Survenant where they can get on anybody’s Internet anybody’s electronics without any issues whatsoever looks like a pretty easy endeavor to undertake very minimal knowledge. And this would create a huge breach in the telecommunications networks as well as electronics, and the power grid since everybody’s home is wrapped and copper pretty much and so are the city streets with the light poles and overhead underground telephone wires, and then you have a any metal conduit or automobiles satellite radios I know this just goes on and on so the gang suckers have to actually created a loop back in at work using the electrical grid.. Not only does this allow them access to every electronic, computer, network, server, data center, financial institution, government office or cour, records, billing, IRS, point of sale system, air traffic control, lottery, etc etc BUT also gives them the ability to throttle our uploads downloads emails online report submissions, website help forms, government aid, ONLINE JOB APPLICATIONS, but they can and THEY ARE also driving traffic to their " online ecommerce sites" they most of them seem to be ripped off from business owners they forced out of business by mob tactics and more.

Off topic but for example: We all know that google/amazon/other services "hear" your conversations and taylor ads and news stories to what is heard, but THESE ASSHOLE TERRORISTS have included our brain waves and what we are thinking and combined ALL OF IT into an algorithm hidden in code, in pop ups, in your phone, in ALL MOST ANYTHING and EVERYTHING POSSIBLE-- pay close attention to your news stories, and advertising pay per click banners, facebook reels, youtube reels, google , PAY ATTENTION and look and you don't have too look too hard you'll see it, that as you click on different web pages, or links, profiles, it doesn't matter but the "tailored" to your profile advertisements and information is stuff that you have thought about but not spoken a word to anyone about not even outloud to yourself.... Tracking down and shutting down the whole criminal organization isn't as hard as they think its going to be... They left a paper trail... Where? on the check books of AWS, amazon, google, microsoft, apple, and other providers that offer banner space on both private web pages, e commerce, business, commercial, government, military etc. Phones, autos, any speaker has actually been reconfigured as a microphone..

I don't full heartedly believe its "Big Brother" that has been watching us, because they have been under watch by the terrorist cell also, and Governments WORLD WIDE are all under attack the same way as we are. It wasn't until 2018/2019 while I was spending time in the Hamilton County Jail for probation violation,getting picked up at the FBI building in Cincinnati while trying to report kidnappings, theft, and other crimes and acts of treason being done by same group. But it wasn't until the time I was locked up that i had ever heard of "NWO" New World Order, or the conspiracy theories going on about one world one leader, etc, first time saw the Nerve with Machine Gun Kelly, popularity contests.... Targeted Individuals know what I'm talking about. random and ranting now i apologize but from what i've learned, heard, read, put together, seen, and what has already been done.... These ARE NOT CONSPIRACY THEORIES and NWO or whatever the secret society or secret government wants to call themselves is "knock knock knock knocking on OUR FRONT DOORS." ANY FACT CHECKER can run information i have, and information others have, PASSED.

Always being able to stay ahead of detectives, agencies, investigators, government, PI's, law enforcement, able to keep a head of the knife by well reading everyone's brain and knowing what they know, allowing them to set up people for black-mail or to have them framed for a crime they didn't commit> Gave the Home Grown Gang Stalking Terrorist Cells(districts) a chance to fabricate & tamper w/evidence without anyone knowing or being able to explain what the hell really happened...

I'll add more to this blog posting later and will also be putting podcast up over this topic later today.

Also coming shortly Neuro Linguistic programming and the Gay Mafia terrorist cell, home grown terrorist cell, NWO, Secret Government, underground society, duplicated reality, simulated reality

#man-in-the-middle #Iam! #POW #NWO #gangsofamerica #IGY6 #gangsofamericastreetsofamerica #nuvoxcommunications #bluemiletechnology #switchboxinc #852daytonave #3555whiterd #braindead #brainwashed #neuromonitoring narcissistic #humanenslaving #SexualPredator #liarcheatthieves #manipulative #servicedog #stalking #bullying, #TargetedIndividuals #gangsofamericastreetsofamerica #humandrone #TheRevolution #RedDawn #PersonOfInterest #gaygangsofamericastreetsofamerica #HavanaSyndrome #gaymafiaterroristcell

original posting and comments from FaceBook

Friday, December 30, 2022

Sunday, December 25, 2022

Merry CHRISTmas

Merry CHRISTmas! 

As in Jesus christ, one of, if not the oldest #TargetedIndividual recorded and known to mankind. 

I wonder how many #GangStalkers celebrate and have their entire lives Christmas, the day of the birth of Jesus Christ, how do we know this ?? It’s in the #script.  #BIBLE 

#tencommandments Kinda makes you  think a little bit about the Ten Commandments and where they possibly came from , least it does me. 

* also got to remind myself of what they all are. And come to think about that, this, and everything else…. Years ago I. Am starting to remember the Ten Commandments coming up. Part of me thinks it was when still living in Columbus but won’t swear to it… but s the gang stalkers like to say if #historyrepeatitself well then we have the manuscript and/or transcript with mild alterations to 💯 truth. 

Now I know this posting won’t change the hearts or souls of any of the terrorist organization or other heartless #braindead #brainwashed #neuromonitoring narcissistic #humanenslaving #SexualPredator #liarcheatthieves #manipulative #servicedog #stalking #bullying #harrassing sobs but they really need to talk a minute and really think about the truth of the whole WHOLE Thing….. 


#Right #steve #paul #nolan #gangsofamericastreetsofamerica #nuvoxcommunications #bluemiletechnology #switchboxinc Corey, cory, Brad, Shane, #852daytonave,#3555whiterd

Sunday, December 18, 2022

Urban Dictionary- “Fagotry” definition


The secret society that’s formed a secret government that are responsible for mishandling the information found in peoples minds. Through the use of electromagnetic fields, virtual reality, virtual terminals, virtual computers (apple) and stolen technology this secret gang/mafia style society are able to read and record everyone’s brainwaves. They are the MK-ultra zombie apocalypse end of humanity on earth. The short North Columbus Ohio is where majority of the known members have been identified and usually are dressed in drag, service workers at gay bars, backup dancers, or straight male strippers who say having sex with a guy doesn’t make them gay.

This secret society uses mind control, brain washing, hypnosis, subliminal messaging, cyber terrorism, illegal drugs, fraudulent identities, blackmail, fabrication of evidence, murder, rape, and catfishing and many other things to force individuals into their group. “Army” they call it.

Dude my girl hypnotized me and brainwashed me into never leaving her.

Oh she’s a member of fagotry.

Monday, December 12, 2022


 So they just admitted that it is impossible or nearly impossible for a targeted individual, especailly ones like myself that they are using their physical and mental torture techniques on, to work. Yes they all got litttle bit pissed off when someone other than myself called them out on that whole thing. 

But yet they admittedt they knew that the whole time, and they don't care about it, " i should have listened to them in the first place. ( meaning is should have done what they said to do, been their pet, pup, puppet, slave, etc. )... cause they are riding on the coat-tails of someone and there seem to be quite a bit and i got the feeling real soo, that the rug is going to get pulled out from under them and they are going to end being scape goats. bahhhhh... naaaahhh. 

NWO new world order time is here, and to think threee years ago didn't know anything about conspiracy theories or nwo .... how time has flown ...