Saturday, May 20, 2023


IC3 Complaint Referral Form 5/20/23, 5:04 AM FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION HOME FILE A COMPLAINT CONSUMER ALERTS INDUSTRY BEC ALERTS RANSOMWARE ELDER FRAUD COMMON SCAMS Victim Information Name: Are you reporting on behalf of a business? Business Name: Is the incident currently impacting business operations? Age: Address: Address (continued): Suite/Apt./Mail Stop: City: County: Country: State: Zip Code/Route: Phone Number: Email Address: Business IT POC, if applicable: Other Business POC, if applicable: Financial Transaction(s) christopher rigling Yes worldwide security breach ALL ELECTRONICS Yes 40 - 49 17 drake drive amelia clermont United States of America Ohio 45102 5135127830 BRIAN PHILLIPS 1 3125209636 Transaction Type: If other, please specify: Transaction Amount: Transaction Date: Was the money sent? Victim Bank Name: Victim Bank Address: Victim Bank Address (continued): Victim Bank Suite/Mail Stop: Victim Bank City: Victim Bank Country: Victim Bank State: Victim Bank Zip Code/Route: Victim Name on Account: Victim Account Number: Recipient Bank Name: Recipient Bank Address: Recipient Bank Address (continued): Recipient Bank Suite/Mail Stop: Recipient Bank City: Recipient Bank Country: Recipient Bank State: Recipient Bank Zip Code/Route: Recipient Name on Account: Recipient Bank Routing Number: Recipient Account Number: Recipient Bank SWIFT Code: Other STOCKS,REAL ESTATE, BANKS, BUSINESSES, CREDIT CARD 100000000.00 5/19/2023 Yes Page 1 of 6 IC3 Complaint Referral Form 5/20/23, 5:04 AM Description of Incident Provide a description of the incident and how you were victimized. Provide information not captured elsewhere in this complaint form. THIS IS A COMBINATION OF SOME OF THE PREVIOUSLY SUBMITTED IC3 REPORTS LAST COUNT WAS OVER 180 IC3 REPORTS SUBMTTED ONLINE: This is not only happening to me but it's also happening to everybody and every business it seems in the United States of America and every other country. These hackers and stalkers called games of America streets of America or the gay Mafia have infiltrated penetrated and set up home in each and every internet location at out there they have taken over the black lab and they are popping the regular internet they are running off a serval mesh Network that's being run off the people's Wi-Fi at homes their cell phones Bluetooth wireless speakers electrical lines power poles anything and everything that can conduct electricity and the signal Cincinnati Ohio making single band routers dual band and splitting the signal from home taking control of their signals from home also they are able to control their HVAC and electrical anything and everything that has electricity running through it they can manipulate and take control of I have seen them change medical records accident reports police reports medical reports they have proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that people can see through your laptop monitor TV computer monitor cell phones install new operating systems on cell phones computers system files Verizon Metro PCS u.s. cellular T-Mobile boost governor of Ohio California to California to Ohio. Computers their credit card merchant card services Uber Uber Uber Eats there are brainwashing mind control people you think that's technology responding to the White House in Washington DC Victim Information Name: Chris rigling Business Name: Age: 30-39 Address: 2493 knorr ave Address (continued): Suite/Apt./Mail Stop: City: Cincinnati County: Country: United States of America State: Ohio Zip Code/Route: 45214 Phone Number: 5134855554 Email Address: Business IT POC, if applicable: Other Business POC, if applicable: Financial Transaction(s) Transaction Type: Other If other, please specify: People counterfeit Transaction Amount: $100000 Transaction Date: 11/10/2018 Was the money sent? No Victim Bank Name: Victim Bank Address: Victim Bank Address (continued): Victim Bank Suite/Mail Stop: Victim Bank City: Victim Bank Country: [None] Victim Bank State [None] Victim Bank Zip Code/Route: Victim Name on Account: Victim Account Number: Recipient Bank Name: Recipient Bank Address: Recipient Bank Address (continued): Recipient Bank Suite/Mail Stop: Recipient Bank City: Recipient Bank Country: [None] Page 2 of 6 IC3 Complaint Referral Form 5/20/23, 5:04 AM Recipient Bank State [None] Recipient Bank Zip Code/Route: Recipient Name on Account: Recipient Bank Routing Number: Recipient Account Number: Recipient Bank SWIFT Code: Description of Incident Provide a description of the incident and how you were victimized. Provide information not captured elsewhere in this complaint form. Reporting gay mafia cyber terrorist cell. Locatws in the usa. Cincinnagi columbus dayton mi ca fl ky ok tx... Colorado. And others.they ate counterfeit ing. Data mining telco fraud harassment payroll, sales tax , governemnt vouchers and many others...columbus ohio. Jon knapp escaped from prison. Tbere have been multiple kidnapings murders beatings rapes etc.tgler funcan kirk wilhite josh smith zacery emerym Kidnapped mulr Complaint Referral Form Internet Crime Complaint Center Thank you for submitting your complaint to the IC3. Please save or print a copy for your records. This is the only time you will have to make a copy of your complaint. Victim Information Name: christopher s rigling Business Name: christopher s rigling Age: 30 - 39 Address: 2493 KNORR AVE Address (continued): Suite/Apt./Mail Stop: City: CINCINNATI County: HAMILTON Country: United States of America State: Ohio Zip Code/Route: 45214 Phone Number: 51334855554 Email Address: RIGLING.CHRIS@GMAIL.COM Business IT POC, if applicable: christopher s rigling,CHRIS.RIGLING@ICLOUD.COM, 5134855554 Other Business POC, if applicable: christopher s rigling,CHRIS.RIGLING@ICLOUD.COM, 5134855554 Financial Transaction(s) Transaction Type: Virtual Currency If other, please specify: Transaction Amount: $ 5000000 Transaction Date: 03/01/2018 Did you send the money? No Victim Bank Name: Victim Bank Address: Victim Bank Address (continued): Victim Bank Suite/Mail Stop: Victim Bank City: Victim Bank Country: [None] Victim Bank State [None] Page 3 of 6 IC3 Complaint Referral Form 5/20/23, 5:04 AM Victim Bank Zip Code/Route: Victim Name on Account: Victim Account Number: Recipient Bank Name: Recipient Bank Address: Recipient Bank Address (continued): Recipient Bank Suite/Mail Stop: Recipient Bank City: Recipient Bank Country: [None] Recipient Bank State [None] Recipient Bank Zip Code/Route: Recipient Name on Account: Recipient Bank Routing Number: Recipient Account Number: Recipient Bank SWIFT Code: Description of Incident Provide a description of the incident and how you were victimized. Provide information not captured elsewhere in this complaint form. LOCATED AND FIGURED OUT AFTER READING NUMEROUS ARTICLES ONLINE THAT THE CYBER TERRORIST ATTACK, MAN IN THE MIDDLE, STALKING, BULLYING, ELECTRONIC SURVIELLANCE THAT I'VE BEEN ENCOUNTERING FOR YEARS NOW. (IC3 #13) IS ALSO BIT COIN MINING AND DATA MINING FROM ALL MY CELL PHONE AND ELECTRICAL APPLIANCE WHERE A CIRCUIT BOARD IS PRESENT SEEMS TO BE BIT COIN MINING. UPTO AND INCLUDING THE UTILITY METERS LOCATED INSIDE AND OUTSIDE THE PROPERTY. THEY HAVE ENCOOPERATED THESE WLAN'S AND OTHER "INTERNET/NETWORK CONNECTIONS" WITH CELLULAR, CABLE, SATELITE AND DISH NETWORKS, THEY ARE USING DIGITAL, FIOPTICS, AND POWER LINES (DATA OVER POWER) I HAVE HAD CONNECTED AND LIVE ACTIVE INTERNET CONNECTGIONS RUNNING FROM THE 75N/S FROM HARRISON AVE TILL NORWOOD, ITS AN INVISIBILE NETWORK PART OF THEIR "SERVAL MESH" RUNNING ACROSS THE USA. THIS IS CAUSING ELECTROMAGNETIC FIELDS, ISSUES WITH HOMES, CARS, ELECTRONICS, STATIC ELECTRICITY, GIVES THEM THE ABILITY TO READ PEOPLES MINDS ALSO SUBLIMINIAL MESSAGE AND BRAIN WASH INDIVIDUALS AS WELL. THEY HAVE CONTROL OF MANY TELECOMMUNICATIONS AND ADVERTISING COMPANIES (NUVOX OF OHIO, WINDSTREAM, BLUE MILE, BLUE MILE ISP, SHURTELL VOICEMAIL SYSTEMS, DIGITIAL PHONES, PBX, ETC. THEY HAVE 1,000'S OF BUSINESS WEBSITES, FAKE IDS, GOVERNMENT FUNDED HOMES, BENEFITS, JOBS FOR NON EXISITANT PEOPLE ACCOUNTS AT BANKS LIKE ASPEN SUMMIT FREE CHECKING, PAYPAL, THEY ARE USING OVER 15000K TEXT MESSAGES AMONGST THIS GROUP A MONTH AS WELL AS SNAP CHATS TOO. Which of the following were used in this incident? (Check all that apply.) ☐ Spoofed Email ☐ Similar Domain ☐ Email Intrusion ☑ Other Please specify: ONLINE Law enforcement or regulatory agencies may desire copies of pertinent documents or other evidence regarding your complaint. Originals should be retained for use by law enforcement agencies. Information About The Subject(s) Who Victimized You Name: Business Name: MARTINI CHJURCH Address: SAFFIN AVE Address (continued): Suite/Apt./Mail Stop: City: CINCINNATI Country: United States of America State: Ohio Zip Code/Route: 45214 Phone Number: Email Address: Website: HTTP://WWW.APPLYALOE.COM, WWW.BUCKEYE.COM IP Address: Name: Business Name: Address: Address (continued): Suite/Apt./Mail Stop: City: Country: [None] State: [None] Zip Code/Route: Phone Number: Email Address: Website: IP Address: Other Information If an email was used in this incident, please provide a copy of the entire email including full email headers. THIS GROUP WAS IN COLUMBUS OHIO I KNOW IN 2008 AND I HAVE LIVED IN CINCINNATI SINCE 2013 AND THEY HAVE CHANGED MEDICAL INFORMATION, AUTO INSURANCE ACCIDENT DATES, CAUSED COMPUTER ISSUES ON PLANES AND BUSINESSES, SENT PEOPLE TO JAIL BY LYING, THEY HAVE CORRUPTED THE SYSTEM FROM BEGINNING TO END. HUMAN TRAFFICKING, GUN SMUGGLING, MURDER, RAPE, KIDNAPPING. ETC. GAY MAFIA COLUMBUS OHIO, Page 4 of 6 IC3 Complaint Referral Form 5/20/23, 5:04 AM Are there any other witnesses or victims to this incident? THE ENTIRE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA GOVERNMENT, ALL MAJOR MEDIA OUTLETS, I HAVE PROOF AND NOBODY WANTS TO TALK TO ME SO THESE PEOPLE ARE TORTURING ME AND TRYING TO OWN ME AND MAKE ME THEIR SLAVE ITS DISGUSTING AND SICK, AND I WOULD LIKE HELP BEFORE THEY DO IT TO THE PRESIDENT OF THE USA AGAIN. (OR STILL), If you have reported this incident to other law enforcement or government agencies, please provide the name, phone number, email, date reported, report number, etc. THE ENTIRE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA GOVERNMENT, ALL MAJOR MEDIA OUTLETS, I HAVE PROOF AND NOBODY WANTS TO TALK TO ME SO THESE PEOPLE ARE TORTURING ME AND TRYING TO OWN ME AND MAKE ME THEIR SLAVE ITS DISGUSTING AND SICK, AND I WOULD LIKE HELP BEFORE THEY DO IT TO THE PRESIDENT OF THE USA AGAIN. (OR STILL), ☐ Check here if this an update to a previously filed complaint: Who Filed the Complaint Were you the victim in the incident described above? Yes Digital Signature By digitally signing this document, I affirm that the information I provided is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. I understand that providing false information could make me subject to fine, imprisonment, or both. (Title 18, U.S. Code, Section 1001) Digital Signature: CHRISTOPHER S RIGLING Thank you for submitting your complaint to the IC3. Please save or print a copy for your records. This is the only time you will have to make a copy of your complaint. . Information About The Subject(s) Who Victimized You Name: Business Name: Address: Address (continued): Suite/Apt./Mail Stop: City: Country: State: Zip Code/Route: Phone Number: Email Address: Website: IP Address: Other Information STEVE WARREN CHURCH OF MARTINI 2421 SAFFIN AVE CINCINNATI United States of America Ohio 45102 If an email was used in this incident, please provide a copy of the entire email including full email headers. [No response provided] Are there any other witnesses or victims to this incident? YES, MULTIPLE CASUALTIES_ JOEY LABUTE DECEASED. KENNETH SCHROEDER DECEASED, CHASE SINGER DECEASED, DAVID CASTLEBERRY DECEASED, JOSH WYATT DECEASED. MULTIPLE OTHERS FORCED INTO CULT LIKE TERRORIST CELL BEING TRAINED BY ISIS LIKE TECHNIQUES. If you have reported this incident to other law enforcement or government agencies, please provide the name, phone number, email, date reported, report number, etc. OH YEAHTOO MANY TO LIST PLEASE CONTACT BE MORE THAN HAPPY TO PROVIDE Check here if this an update to a previously filed complaint: ☐ Page 5 of 6 IC3 Complaint Referral Form 5/20/23, 5:04 AM Who Filed the Complaint Were you the victim in the incident described above? Yes Name: Business Name: Phone Number: Email Address: Digital Signature By digitally signing this document, I affirm that the information I provided is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. I understand that providing false information could make me subject to fine, imprisonment, or both. (Title 18, U.S.Code, Section 1001) Digital Signature: CHRISTOPHER SCOTT RIGLING Thank you. Your complaint was submitted to the IC3. Please save or print a copy of your complaint before closing this window. This is the only time you will have to make a copy of your complaint. FAQs Disclaimer Privacy Notice About IC3 Page 6 of 6


Friday, May 12, 2023


Psychotronic Terrorism: Digital hacking of the human brain

why don't people stop trying to cover it up and hide this shit "covert conversations"?


Hey all. Family. Reading this — um bio-coding- rep from Colorado discussed it last year- can’t remember his name I have it in notebook though… its social security number — that’s how they are brain raping people. dnm- fuck these people are stupid. Why? Cause I've been telling the lying fuckers for years that other people n the same house can hear their loud asses and also proved to them that I could record them… and did . Multiple times. They violated me, and everything everyone else.. John remember we went to Dominican republic. And leaving “hydraulic computer issue” pretty sure they were trying to crash plain with me on it… but also the missing SIM card… when we got home.. and also the missing first class gay passenger when we boarded the plane the next day…. Not sure I ever told you about that but.. yeah… down one first class passenger.. he was sitting at the bar/ tiki looking bar in airport- he wasn’t at dinner at the hotel and didn’t get on plane next day. And his “friend” gay Dom top went Colorado flight and we were the only ones who didn’t fly out that morning ….. and stuck overnight. And we were FAR away from resort.. thanks to my travel agent skills if you remember correctly LOL.

... and to anyone who reads (friends) the covert conversations part and gets angry about it..... get over it and your program..... why do so many people suffer, wtf why do so many people know about it and NOTHING BUT COVER-UPS!  misleading , lies, corruption, manipulation, falsification, and the GD stories!  SHIIT shut up already. #iAM1 #POW the narcissistic gang stalking terrorist districts can join together for some secret convention and bite me. 

Thursday, May 11, 2023

Port Scan Results

check out the link its to a 100+ page spreadsheat of ALL PORTS. ports being used all the way ip to 65000!! how is it possible that these terrorists cant be tracks??!AuslackFiPfZkvwAEu7hmW3QEPZWeQ